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French aerial photographs of the Western Front

 Unprocessed Material
Identifier: 2001-014

Content Description

A Collection of original French aerial photographs of the Western Front, taken between 1916-1918. 34 photographs, 10 are 5x7 ins. The remainder are 10x7 in. A few are marked in red ink showing possible objectives, and most are numbered and titled for the artillery. A unique collection of French aerial photographs taken from varying heights on or near the front line at the Western Front. Villages shown include Bouconville, Fribourg and Vauclerc, while trenches, roads and railways are clearly marked. A few have markings in red ink and one has a grid pattern added in pencil. French aerial photographs of the Great War are rare.

Acquisition Type



The actual month and date of the accession are unknown.

Restrictions Apply



0.1 Linear Feet