Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 912
7th Field Artillery - Vermont & Massachusetts WWI photographs, approximately 1918-1919
Photo album containing photo-postcards.
19th Century Women's Literature Collection, 1793-1932
English; published in U.S. & U.K. in the 19th Century; includes 19th Century woman authors, mainly novelists; supports women's literature studies, a program established by Germaine Greer.
To view the catalog, click on the "External Documents" link below, which will take you to the McFarlin book catalog for a list of all the included volumes.
Please note that this is a group of BOOKS and not manuscript materials.
101 Ranch souvenir photo album, 1922
Handmade photo album made as a souvenir for the individuals participating in a private outing held on the ranch in 1920. Photographs include the 3 Miller brothers and Oklahoma oil man, E.W. Marland.
604th Engineers WWI photographs, Undated
22/10.1763 113 Civiles N. 148
Legal papers relating to the pueblo of Ayo-Ayo, and a lawsuit brought by the native population concerning the loss of their land. Gathered and sewn together.
A biography of Rhoda Broughton, approximately 1980
Carbon copy typescript with many autograph corrections and changes made by Richard Ellmann. Apparently the typescript was sent to Ellmann for comment and now resides within his papers.
Masterfile note: History: Watters, Tamie.
A. C. (Almon Clematus) Bacone Letters, 1883-1895
A fragment of a letter written to a John H. Dick is under the letterhead of the Indian Educational Commission, Indian Territory. There is also a commencement piece.
A Force for Transformation : The Chapman Trusts at the University of Tulsa, approximately 2007
A financial history of The University of Tulsa, its relationship to philanthropy in Tulsa, and the development of the Chapman Trusts. A chapter from the author's research on the history of the Chapman Trusts.
A la louenge de Dieu et de la tressainte a glorieuse Vierge Marie et a l'edification de tous bons Catholiques : ont este commences ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme tout au long sans riens requerir avec ung commun antiennes suffrages et oraisons de plusieurs sainets a sainctes selon l'edit usaige et plusieurs austres comme on verra en la table. (Hours of the Virgin Mary), 1504
[A manuscript note book listing brands in and around Vinita, Indian Territory], approximately 1880
Holograph, record book of brands and ear marks from ranches in northeastern Indian Territory. Title from purchase slip. Note laid in: This book of brands was compiled by John Franklin, Vinita, I.T., in the 1880s. Book cover: Compliments of the Standard Live Stock Commission Co. Capitol $200,000. Chicago, Ill.