Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 912
Alfred J. Miller Papers, 1837
A manuscript entitled "Rough Drafts to Notes on Indian Sketches" comprises his notes on 166 sketches. Photostatic copies of these notes are included. The second item is a noteĀ book containing a description of Fort William on the Laramie.
Algernon Swinburne Library, 1865-1964
Many volumes of work by Algernon Swinburn are housed in Special Collections. For each Swinburn title the collection includes multiple editions which help trace the publishing history of his work.
To view the catalog, click on the "External Documents" link below, which will take you to the McFarlin book catalog for a list of all the included volumes.
Please note that this is a group of BOOKS and not manuscript materials.
Algot F. Carlson WWI archive, 1918-1924
Diary, photographs, artefacts
Alice B. Toklas correspondence
Consists of 89 handwritten letters and postcards, and 1 telegram to John E. Dobbin, Brion Gysin, and Sir Francis and Frederica Rose. Also included is one typed letter (as secretary to Gertrude Stein) to John Hinsdale Thompson.
Alice in Wonderland ephemera, 20th century
Paper dolls from the original John Tenniel illustrations
Papers of the Robertson and Worcester families, 1815-1932
Alice Welford WWI photograph album and military nursing lecture journal, 1911-1918
Alton Conrad Rowe WWI-era postcards, 1918-1919
Alvin F. Harlow manuscripts, 1930-1940
Tomahawk Trails. Typescript and carbon copy typescript drafts of stories for a proposed collection of Indian fighting stories of American pioneer days.